Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Article Examines The Growing Trend Of Excessive Internet

The article examines the growing trend of excessive internet use among college students. The study was completed to help psychologists understand the specific causes for excessive internet use. The study also examined the correlation between excessive internet use, low self-esteem and psychological disorders. The study is important because it helps psychologists, health professionals, and readers understand who is vulnerable to excessive internet use and whether perilous disorders such as depression are a cause or effect of excessive internet use. The study can also help health professionals treat the underlying conditions that cause internet addiction as well as psychological disorders associated with excessive internet use. The†¦show more content†¦The independent variable was the amount of time spent online. The dependent variable was the effect the amount of time had on determining excessive internet use. The fourth hypothesis examined whether excessive internet users were more social online than in real life. The independent variables for the fourth hypothesis were the pathological internet users. The dependent variable was the pathological internet user’s ability to become more social while using the internet. The final hypothesis examined the role of low self-esteem in the participant becoming a pathological internet user. The independent variable was the individual identified as pathological internet user while the dependent variable was the effect low self-esteem has on the user’s pathological internet use. The study included a total of 371 participants. Participants included students from various universities in the UK although no ages were given for the students. The students were classified into separate categories according to their majors. Majors such as engineering, physics, and chemistry were called hard science majors. Majors such as psychology, social sciences and law were called soft science majors. English, media studies, and journalism were labeled as liberal arts majors. The study examined a larger percentage of females (56%) versus a smaller percentage of men (46%). The selectedShow MoreRelatedSociety And Its Social Media1216 Words   |  5 Pagesknow today. The economy is rapidly changing in the developing world. Now our days we see teens spending an excessive amount of time socializing through social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and much more. The media has a direct influence on the formation of basic skills of human interaction, which some experts can argue that social medias are having a significant part in our growing society. 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